Study report: Religious Leaders and Child Health and Education

Study report: Religious Leaders and Child Health and Education

eligious leaders are well-respected in communities throughout Myanmar, and a local NGO sought to involve them in a behavior change communication initiative focused on children’s development and health. MMRD was involved in M&E activities throughout the project’s life-cycle.

About the client

We were approached by a local NGO working on a range of initiatives related to livelihoods, health, and education, to evaluate one project which they have been implementing since 2012. This project aims to support child development and health by involving religious and community leaders in information dissemination.

We were asked to conduct a baseline, mid-term, and final evaluation of the project.


We used mixed quantitative and qualitative research methodologies for the various stages of the research. These included:

  • Desk review of program documents
  • 192 quantitative household surveys
  • 32 Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) – conducted face-to-face and over the phone

Research was conducted in 4 townships in Sagaing and Mandalay Regions and Kachin State. We used Multistage Purposive Sampling to select regions/states, townships, wards and villages, and Simple Random Sampling to select households with children under five years of age.

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