ActionAid to help spur seed production in several areas

ActionAid to help spur seed production in several areas

Related imageThe Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation Ministry has linked up with ActionAid Myanmar to carry out seed production and help businesses in central plain tropical zone and Ayeyarwady Deltaadapt and ensure climate change.”We will mainly carry out seed production and agricultural techniques in Ayeyarwady Delta and tropical zone by inviting experts from ActionAid and exchanging technology with them”, ” said U Ye Tint Tun, director general of the ministry’s Department of Agricultural.

The aim is to receive pedigree seeds for the farmers in the project region and to be able to run the businesses that endure climate change.ActionAid will provide $2.537million and the operations will be implemented in tropical regions such as Meikhitla, Tharsi, Myaing-Kamma, Pakokku and in delta regions such as Phyapon, Pathein and Ngaputaw.

Although Myanmar is an agricultural country, it still requires good quality seeds. While seeds are being produced at the ministry’s farms they do not meet the needs of farmers. Moreover, participation by the private sector is still weak and that is why most farmers still face difficulties in getting pedigree seeds.In reality, they should enable farmers to be able to produce seeds themselves. If so, every farmer would easily get the seeds.

Source: Myanmar Times

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